Immediately following your interview, sit down and write a brief thank you note to the person(s) with whom you interviewed. This note should be sent the same day as your interview. A thank you note serves many purposes. Basically you are thanking someone for his or her time interviewing you, you are reaffirming your interest and enthusiasm about the position, and you are reinforcing your name to the interviewer.
NOTE: Use the proper spelling, title, address, etc., of the person(s) to whom you are writing. When in doubt, double check. An easy way to get the correct information is to ask for the interviewer’s business card or to look on the organization's website.
The note should be neat, short and professional. Use a plain note card or paper (no “cute” stationery, notebook paper, etc.)
An example of an appropriate thank you note:
Dear __________________,
Thank you for meeting with me this morning to discuss the internship position at A1 Computing. It was very interesting learning about the company and the software programs it creates.
I would very much look forward to working with A1 Computing and appreciate your consideration. If you should have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your Name