This page includes a list of typical interview questions. Use this list to think about your answers ahead of time. If possible, work with a friend, parent or advisor and practice your answers in a mock interview.
Select from the following:
- What are your major strengths?
- What are some of your weaknesses?
- Tell us about yourself.
- What have you read recently?
- What are your hobbies?
- How do you like your classes? Which classes are your favorite and why?
- What things do you admire in other people?
- What was the best (and worst) criticism you ever received? Why?
- Why are you applying to this position?
- How well do you follow verbal and written instructions?
- What are your long-range career/education goals?
- Where do you see yourself after you graduate from high school or college?
- What previous experiences have you had that may apply to this position?
- What qualities would you like your co-workers to possess?
- Why should we hire you?
- Why are you interested in this position?
- What do you know about our organization?
- What is your schedule this summer?
- Please describe an example situation where you learned new skills quickly.
- What challenges have you faced in school and how have you dealt with them?
- In one of your previous jobs, what were the challenges facing you and how did you deal with them?
- Can you manage time effectively?
- How well do you work independently?
- When are you the most and least productive?
- How would your last supervisor describe you?
- Describe the ideal team member and leader.
- Do you work better as an individual or in a team?
- What would you like to know about the company or the position?