Students learn how to bring inanimate objects to life as they share ideas, create worlds and simulate motion using toys, cut-out puppets or any other object they can find. They explore how image sequencing, incremental movement and frame rate impact the smoothness of stop motion animation. This class gives students the tools they need to make their own animated movies using animation software. The final product is uploaded to YouTube for students to share with friends and family.
Post-Baccalaureate in Speech and Hearing Sciences from Portland State University. She has worked as a character fabricator for LAIKA and as a stop-motion animator for Starburns Industries and Bent Image Lab.
Jason Thibodeaux is the cofounder of a shadow puppet troupe Night Shade and worked for over 9 years at LAIKA on feature films including Coraline, Paranorman, Box Trolls and Kubo.