Premature babies, critically ill children and adolescents with broken bones are all directly cared for by pediatric nurses. Meet nurses who work in many different pediatric roles, including transport, neonatal intensive care, pediatric intensive care and care of school age children. Visit the OHSU Simulation and Clinical Learning Center where you will practice techniques and procedures essential to caring for patients. Spend time in the control room where medical scenarios are simulated. Then respond to medical issues, such as a “patient” coding in the patient care area. Learn and practice basic nursing skills such as scrubbing, gowning and gloving, and heart and lung assessment. Observe a nurse in her or his pediatric nursing role. By the end of the day you will understand the variety of disciplines that care for infants and children.
Sharon Dunham, BSN/BN, is the Parent Education Coordinator in the Doernbecher Neonatal Care Center Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Doernbecher Children's Hospital.