Before ASE internships begin, students, mentors, and teacher monitors participate in an orientation with the ASE team. Orientation is a chance for you to learn more about the upcoming experiences with the ASE Program this summer. You will also get a chance to meet your mentors and teacher monitors at this event. Orientation is designed to facilitate a successful internship experience for all participants. Orientation is a required event.
University of Portland - Buckley Center Auditorium
5000 N. Willamette Boulevard
Portland, OR 97203
Directions: From I-5, take the Rosa Parks Way exit # 304 and head west until it ends at Willamette Boulevard, where you will turn right. Continue on Willamette Boulevard and turn left into the main entrance to the University of Portland. The first right takes you to the main parking lot.
University of Portland campus map
Parking: General parking is available in the main lot (on your right side as you drive on to campus, past the soccer field).